This article outlines the steps required to create a reverse shipment in Carriyo.
Reverse shipments are shipments that are delivered (returned) from a customer to a merchant. Reverse shipments can be created similar to Forward shipments or by approving a return request, which is done automatically. Manually, reverse shipments can also be created from an existing forward shipment using the Create Reverse Shipment option.
The key difference between a Reverse and a Forward shipment is that the Ship From and Ship To addresses are reversed. For Forward, it is store -> customer, and for Reverse it is customer -> store.
Operations allowed on Reverse shipments are the same as those allowed for Forward shipments with slight variations in the status flow process.
Permissions: Only users with Account Manager, Admin, Manager and Operator access roles are able to create and manage Reverse shipments.
Create a Reverse Shipment
1. Navigate to Shipping > Shipments on the Carriyo Dashboard. Set Shipment Type to Reverse from the dropdown provided on top of the table and click on the add icon to create a new reverse shipment. To learn how to create a prebooked shipment, visit this article.
2. Here, the Ship From address is the customer address and the Ship To address is the store/warehouse address. For a detailed guide on how to create a shipment, visit this article. Once the shipment is booked, it will show up in the Shipments page. To understand the Shipment Detail page, visit this article.
Shipping rules can be set for reverse shipments as well. Visit this article to learn how to create Reverse shipping/automation rules.
3. To create an reverse shipment from an existing forward shipment, use the Create Reverse Shipment option from the Shipment actions menu.
3. Reverse shipments are also created automatically when a return request is approved, based on the return reason.
See this section to learn more about Returns in Carriyo.
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