This article explains Carrier Network Profiles and how to set them up in Carriyo.
Within Carriyo, Carrier is an entity (public or private) that is in charge of transportation of deliverables from merchant to customer in case of Forward shipments or customer to merchant in case of Reverse shipments, through a transportation medium.
Carrier Networks are defined to limit the operational scope of carrier accounts. The locations specified within the network serve to ensure that any shipment with Pickup or Dropoff locations outside the specified network is not assigned to the selected carrier accounts during the automation rule assignment process.
Permissions: Only users with Admin and Account Manager roles are able to create and manage Carrier Network profiles.
How to set up a Carrier Network Profile
1. Navigate to Carriers > Networks on the Carriyo Dashboard. The page displays all existing carrier network profiles and their states — active or inactive. To create a new network profile, click on the add button on the top right corner.
2. Assign a suitable name and carrier accounts to the network profile from the dropdown list. If the state is set to inactive, it will have no effect at the time of automation rule check. Click on Save for the Select Locations option to be displayed.
3. Clicking on the + Add Country option will promt the user to select and add countries to the network from the dropdown list. Click on Add once all required countries are selected.
Users can also import files into Carriyo using the Import option for which Carriyo offers a template. Once filled, they can be imported.
4. Users have the flexibility to select and unselect any level of administrative area within the countries (cities, states, provinces etc.) assigned to the network profile.
Operations on Carrier Network Profiles
Carriyo provides options to edit, duplicate and delete carrier networks. These options are also provided inside a specific profile page. The View Change Logs option (specific profile page) allows users to see the changes made to the network profile and the source responsible for the changes.
Activate/Deactivate Carrier Network Profiles
When network profiles are used sporadically over extended periods, deactivating them facilitates decluttering and avoids hindrance to the desired assignment of carriers to shipments. Users have the option to activate them at a later time.
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