In this article, you will learn how to set up Carrier Capacity Profile rules.
Setting up a carrier capacity profile lets users set limits on the number of shipments that can be assigned to a particular carrier account. The two types of capacity profiles allowed are In-Flight Capacity and Daily Booking Capacity. To learn how to set up Carrier Capacity Profiles and to understand more about them, visit this article.
Once you've set up a Carrier Capacity Profile, the next immediate step is creating the rules.
Creating a rule
1. Navigate to Carriers > Capacity on the Dashboard and click on the profile you want to add the rules to. To create a new rule, click on add record. Type denotes that any rule created as part of this profile will inherit the same property.
2. Appropriately name the rule and enter the desired capacity threshold value. Active Capacity Rule toggle must be switched on for the rule to work properly. Since rules can be created for both Forward and Reverse shipments, there is an option to set it as required.
Conditions can be added using the +add condition button, this allows the user to narrow down the cases for which the rule is applied to. Clicking on the – symbol helps the user remove a specific condition.
3. For Schedule, there are a total of three ways of arrangement.
- If set to Any day, any time. This will ensure that the rule will be applied to all shipments regardless of the time it was booked until the threshold value is met.
- Once Any day, any time toggle is switched off, Carriyo lets users select individual days. By default, all days are selected. Here, only Sunday is selected.
- The third and final option is Apply to a Period. If this option is enabled, the rule will work only between the time period set and the days selected. In this case, it must be understood that the rule will work only on Sundays within the time period.
4. Click on Save once all above steps are completed.
5. Since priority also affect application of rules, the rules should be arranged as such. This can be done after navigating back to the previous page where all rules are displayed.
Managing rules
To perform operations such as edit or delete, click on the three dot menu on the right most column of any rule.
Deactivating and activating rules
Deactivation of rules is usually done when the rule is to be used at a later time. All rules are set to active by default. To switch between activation and deactivation, click on the toggle switch.
Toggling the Showing All Rules button will only list active rules.
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