This article details the process of setting up a carrier capacity profile.
Within Carriyo, Carrier is an entity (public or private) that is in charge of transportation of deliverables from merchant to customer (customer to merchant in case of reverse shipments), through a transportation medium.
Multiple carrier accounts can be set up for a single carrier for differing purposes. A tenant (glossary) can configure a private carrier or use existing carriers in order to streamline the operations from processing to delivering goods.
Configuring active carrier capacity profiles ensures that once the threshold value is met, no shipment will be assigned to the carrier accounts specified, via automation rules.
Permissions: Only users with Admin and Account Manager access roles are able to create and manage carrier capacity profiles.
Setting up a Carrier Capacity Profile
1. Navigate to Carriers > Capacity on the Dashboard. The page will display all existing carrier capacity profiles with its assigned type of capacity. To create a new one, click on the add icon on the top right corner of the page.
Toggling the Display Active Profiles will only show active profiles. The search button can be used to search profiles by name.
Hovering over the Multiple keyword will display the carrier accounts assigned to the profile.
2. Appropriately name the profile and make sure the toggle switch is set to active.
- If the type selected is Daily Booking Capacity, a daily reset time (local pickup time) will also need to be set. Add in the required carrier accounts.
- If the type selected is In Flight capacity, directly enter required carrier accounts.
3. Click on Save.
After setting up a capacity profile, the user will be directed to a page where capacity profile rules are set up. Read this article to learn to set up the rules. A single carrier capacity profile can contain multiple rules.
Advantages of setting up carrier capacity profiles
- Testing out a new carrier - If a tenant wants to test a new carrier, they can set a limit on the number of shipments that can be assigned to the carrier and check the carrier performance and decide to continue to assign shipments to that particular carrier or not.
- Different limits for different type of shipments - A carrier can have limits on certain types of shipments i.e., express, same day, normal etc., so that efficiency can be maximized and at the same time, costing can be controlled.
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