This article outlines the steps for creating a duplicate shipment in Carriyo.
Duplicating shipments is permitted for both Forward and Reverse shipments, proving useful in scenarios where a new shipment entry requires minimal changes in details. However, it is important to note that the new shipment reference number must be unique. Carriyo does not allow the creation of a shipment with duplicate shipment reference number.
Duplicate a Shipment
1. Navigate to Shipping > Shipments on the Carriyo Dashboard. The Duplicate option is provided both on the Shipments page and inside a certain shipment.
2. Shipments in all statuses are duplicable. When duplicating, all details are left the same including toggle switches. Therefore, duplicating shipments in error may lead to the cloned shipment also being in error.
The Clone Forward/Reverse shipment title indicates that the shipment currently being edited is a duplicate. All attributes are editable. After filling in all the necessary details, the shipment can be saved as draft or booked.
To learn how to edit a shipment, visit this article
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