This article explains how to analyze the number of notifications sent to customers via e-mail and SMS.
The report keeps track of all notifications that have been sent via each channel and the corresponding status of the notification with the trigger that fired it.
Analysis of Customer Notification Report
1. Navigate to Reports > Customer Notification on the Carriyo Dashboard. The page displays, by default, both types of shipments within a period of 30 days. Use filters to narrow down the data to specific scenarios.
2. Legends can be selected/deselected to further filter out the data. Hovering over the bar chart or the donut chart (on the left) reveals data with additional details. Click on the Download Report icon on the top right corner of the page to save it in csv format.
3. Clicking on a shipment takes you to its Shipment Detail page. The status column helps in identifying the status of each notification that was sent.
4. The History tab in the Shipment Detail page keeps record of all notification sent for certain events for a shipment.
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