Release date: August 29 2024
- Suppression of PII (Personally Identifiable Information) from the Carriyo data stream
- Ability to manage Roles for the Store App
Suppression of PII (Personally Identifiable Information) from the Carriyo data stream
We are continuously enhancing our product with a focus on ensuring it runs reliably and protects your data. As part of this latest update, we have suppressed personally identifiable information (PII), such as names, email addresses, and dates of birth, contained within the Carriyo data stream. Additionally, we have updated the data stream model to align with the API data model for shipments.
Ability to manage Roles for the Store App
Previously, there was no role management for the Store App. We now offer the ability to define different roles, including Admin, and Operator:
- Admins can create and delete Operator users
- Roles can be assigned through the Dashboard
- Store App roles are separate from Dashboard roles
A new section for Store App roles has been added under Settings > Users:
If you have any shipping needs from stores or want to learn more about our Store App, check out our guide and feel free to contact us for a demo.
We also welcome any questions or feedback on these enhancements!
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