This article details the process of automating carrier assignment to shipments in Carriyo.
Automation rules are what facilitates the process of automatically assigning carriers to shipments based on shipment attributes. Automation rules can be set up for both forward and reverse shipments.
Rules are automatically assigned based on shipment details. For automation rule assignment to take place, the Auto Select (AI Automation) option must be enabled when a shipment is being created.
Rules are assigned based on their priority. The rules on top will be checked first.
Rules may or may not be part of a ruleset. If they are part of a ruleset, the Merchant & Pickup Country are derived from the ruleset and duplicate rulesets cannot exist.
Permissions: Only users with Admin, Manager, and Account Manager access roles are allowed to handle creation and management of automation rules.
Creating a rule
1. Navigate to Automation on the Carriyo Dashboard. Click on either Forward Automations or Reverse Automations and it will display all of the existing rulesets/rules — both active and inactive.
Forward Automations are rules applied to shipments from merchant to customer (forward shipments) and Reverse Automations consist of rules that are applied to shipments from customer to merchant (reverse shipments).
The search option can be used to search automation rulesets by their names. The dropdown beside it will filter and display only active rulesets, which can be changed. The pickup country filter can also be used to filter rulesets by pickup countries. Hover on the number or question mark to display the names of the merchants in the ruleset.
2. To create a new rule, select the most suitable ruleset and click on the + add record icon as seen below (if no ruleset exists, learn how to create a ruleset).
All existing rules will be displayed here. Click on the Selected Rule Set dropdown to switch to another ruleset.
3. When creating a rule, ensure that the rule is active. Else, it will be ignored during the automation rule assignment process.
If more than one carrier account is assigned to the automation rule, Carriyo's dynamic nature allows two ways in which the carrier account can be selected:
- Cheapest — This method assigns the shipment to the cheapest carrier based on shipping cost, taxes etc.
- Round Robin — This method uses a percentage based round robin mechanism. For each shipment assigned, the automation rule will calculate the quota and assign the next shipment accordingly. Example: Here, for each shipment assigned to the first carrier, the next shipment will be assigned to the second carrier (Quiqup) because the quota is equally shared.
The Use Rule Assignment Daily Limit sets a limit on the automation rule to be assigned only 'n' number of times.
Defining the Schedule restricts the application of the automation rule to shipments booked within that specific time period on designated days. Shipments booked outside this schedule will not be assigned this rule. The valid options are any day, any time or different timings for individual days.
4. Conditions can be added for configuring automation rules to be even more specific. The Merchant and Pickup country attributes are derived from the ruleset and new values cannot be added for these conditions except removing existing values.
Conditions can be set for both native and custom attributes.
4. Click on save once the required properties for the rule are set.
Since automation rules are assigned based on priorities, they must be placed in the ruleset as such. To learn to do this and more, read this article.
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