This article explains the steps to configure the Account System settings in Carriyo.
The Account system settings manage general configurations for the account, impacting various entities such as shipment details, documents, language translations etc. These settings encompass document preferences and configuration carrier mappings and other relevant functionalities.
Permissions: Only users with Admin access roles can manage Account settings.
Setting up
1. Navigate to Settings > Account > System Settings on the Carriyo Dashboard.
All sections in this page are explained in detail below.
System Settings
Required Phone Number — If this toggle is enabled, if a shipment does not have a primary phone number associated with the contact (both pickup and dropoff), it will be put into 'Error' status until corrected. Phone number will also be mandatory when creating a Location.
Required Email Address — If this toggle is enabled, if a shipment does not have an email address associated with the pickup/dropoff contact, it will be put into 'Error' status until corrected. Email address will also be mandatory when creating a Location.
Rule Sets — If enabled, automation and service levels rules will be contained within rulesets. Else, the rules exist separately, without the rulesets.
Document URL Expiration — If this toggle is enabled, the document links (AWB, Commercial Invoice etc.) will expire within the specified expiry lifetime. This helps prevent customer data from being compromised in the event of accidental data leaks. The maximum expiration time is 7 days. This setting cannot be disabled once set.
Multi-Location Manifests — Enabling this toggle will allow creation of manifests from various locations/merchants.
Skip Parcel Items Validations — Enabling this toggle will disable parcel validations, such as checking whether the parcel contains shipment items with the correct SKUs and quantities.
Note: Disabling this check could be useful if you are selling bundled products.
Translation Languages
For the purpose of translating content in CX Apps (tracking page, returns portal) and Notifications (based on destination country), languages need to be set at the Account level. English is the default language and can't be deleted. Click on + add record to add a new language. The only possible option on an entry is delete.
Test Data
Generating test data is a time-saving process and helpful for newly configured accounts lacking shipments or carrier accounts. Simply choose the desired merchant and countries from the dropdown menu and click on Load Data to initiate the test data generation. Once generated, you can either retain the data or opt to delete it using the Delete Data option.
Pre-booked Carrier Mapping
Pre-booked carrier mappings are managed for shipments that flow in to Carriyo via Shopify. For Shopify orders with input carriers configured in this section, the carrier account that is mapped will be used.
To create a new mapping entry, click on + add record. Possible options on an entry are edit and delete.
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