This article explains the process of configuring email notifications for customers.
Notifications can be configured either for all merchants (default) or they can be merchant-specific. To configure notifications for individual merchants, select the desired merchant from the dropdown.
Email notifications are supported for Forward & Reverse shipments, return requests, and pinpoint location (CX Apps).
Permissions: Only users with Account Manager, Account Owner/Admin and Manager access roles are able to configure notification content.
Setting up
1. Navigate to Settings > Notifications > Email Notifications on the Carriyo Dashboard. If these features aren't enabled for the merchant, you can change the merchant settings under Settings > Administration > Merchants. To learn how to configure merchant level settings, go to this article.
2. The next step is to configure the settings under Email Notifications page. Inside the settings page, if Test Mode is enabled, notifications will only be sent to the below provided whitelisted email addresses/numbers. Once the triggers and templates are confirmed to be working as expected, you can switch off test mode, and notifications will then be sent to end customers.
If you want to use a custom email address, you will need to set up the email domain under Email Domains as seen above. To add a new domain, click on + add record icon on the top right corner and verify the domain. Once it's verified, you can use the email address under this domain as the sender email address for each destination country.
Note: If any of the CNAME records are already set up in your DNS settings (you can check this information using any CNAME lookup tool on the web) and are pointing to a different value, you can alternatively choose to add a subdomain in Carriyo and verify this subdomain. It is recommended to use subdomains when the primary domain name is already used extensively.
For notifications to be sent to customers of a certain country, the country should be added as a record as shown below. Aliases can be set for the email addresses if required. Ensure that the email id is set and that the toggle is active. The countries in this list will be applied to all Forward shipments, Reverse shipments, Return requests and Pinpoint location notifications for this particular channel (here, Email).
The default template language for each of these destination countries can also be configured here.
Notifications won't be sent to customers of a country that is not on this list. Destination country records can be deleted if not necessary. If they are used periodically, the activate/deactivate toggle button can be used.
Note: Deleting a country from this list will also delete all previously set triggers.
The Default Template Language options are provided based on the translation languages set for the account. These can be controlled in the Translation Languages section by navigating to Settings > Account > System Settings. English is the default language. Click on + add record to add a new language option. Languages no longer in use can be deleted. Refer to this article for a detailed guide on this.
Permissions: Only users with Account Owner/Admin access roles have access to System Settings.
Click on Save once all changes are made. The next step is to configure the triggers and templates.
Triggers are set up based on the destination country configured in the settings tab. Triggers basically represent status change and for all active triggers, an email will be sent to the customer in the configured template and in the specified language. Click on +add to set up triggers. Triggers are to be set up separately for Forward & Reverse shipments, and Return Requests.
You can also delete/deactivate triggers. Country-specific triggers will take precedence over general triggers defined for all countries (Any Country).
Note: Deleting triggers will also delete the template, if they have been already set up.
3. The next step is to configure the templates. Templates are configurable based on the languages set up in the default template language for countries under Settings tab.
These templates are categorized into Forward & Reverse shipments, Return Requests and Pinpoint Templates. Click on each of these dropdowns to set these up.
Only those templates that are set will be sent to customers. Templates that are not set - (not set) in the above screenshot - won't be sent. To edit/set a template, click on the template name.
Within the template edit page, you can easily change the shipment to be previewed by clicking on the shipment ID provided. This will open a popup dialog where you can select the desired shipment. There are two views for displaying the notification content: Preview and Code. Preview mode is selected by default, showing the content corresponding to the Code.
To switch to Code view, simply click on the Code button. You are able to freely edit the code in this view. Templates are written in liquid template language which allows you to build dynamic HTML pages. You can learn more about liquid templates by clicking on the link provided on the top. To add tags to the code, access the Tags option on the right.
Note: Not all tags may be found here. You can refer to the shipment & return request object in our docs to add more tags.
The subject line and email body are set up separately.
If you want to reset the content to the way it was before, click on the reset option provided inside the menu (three dot) option. Once all required changes are made, click on Save. After saving you can click on the dropdown at the top - this allows you to switch templates easily.
In the Templates tab, you can also enable the Automatic Pinpoint Address Request for incomplete address shipments toggle if you want an email notification to be sent to customers to complete the address details when the shipment dropoff address is incomplete.
Once the triggers and templates are tested and validated with the whitelisted addresses with Test Mode toggle enabled, you can switch the toggle off at which point, the email notifications will be sent to end customers.
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